Oracle EBS R12 IE8中出FRM-92050 连接服务器失败(解决方法)
2010-08-10 12:14
如 果 IE8 打开form窗口时报错 误信息:提示"Internet Explorer 已对此 页面进行了修改,以帮助阻止跨站脚本。单击此处,获取详细信息..."或 "R12 IE8中出FRM-92050 连接服务器 失败"。 |
在启动ORACLE EBS R12.1.1时,出现Failed To Connect To Server Frm-92050错误。我是红帽5操作系统,由于是新机器经查是缺少openmotif21-2.1.30-11.EL5.i386.rpm 安装包,安装上此包问题得到解决。此包可在 网址下载获取。
我们公司使用TMG,也就是ISA的最新版,将通过TMG发布到公网202.102.113.**之 后,通过http://202.102.113.**:8100 可以登录EBS,但是在打开Form时就会报错:FRM-92050:连接服务器失败。之前看到一 篇文章说,要在TMG上设置内网IP 172.25.113.** 和公网IP:202.102.113.**的9000端口映射关系就可以了,想问问大家,这个映射关系怎么设?我在TMG上设置了这个9000 端口的映射,但是还是报同样的错误,急等大家回复,谢谢。
原来能用的都是windows 2000, windows xp 就不行. 差点晕倒, 都是微软的, 差别咋就那大呢. 后来发现原来是JVM的问题, 如果用了新的SUN JRE就不行, 用旧的JVM就可以. 估 计是后台太老的缘故. 有没有高手分析一下.
我的xp sp3
一不小心装了两个JRE,一个是用Oracle自带的oaj2se.exe装的,一个是用Oracle官网的 JavaSetup6u23.exe,
我们公司使用TMG,也就是ISA的最新版,将通过TMG发布到公网202.102.113.**之 后,通过http://202.102.113.**:8100 可以登录EBS,但是在打开Form时就会报错:FRM-92050:连接服务器失败。之前看到一 篇文章说,要在TMG上设置内网IP 172.25.113.** 和公网IP:202.102.113.**的9000端口映射关系就可以了,想问问大家,这个映射关系怎么设?我在TMG上设置了这个9000 端口的映射,但是还是报同样的错误,急等大家回复,谢谢。
原来能用的都是windows 2000, windows xp 就不行. 差点晕倒, 都是微软的, 差别咋就那大呢. 后来发现原来是JVM的问题, 如果用了新的SUN JRE就不行, 用旧的JVM就可以. 估 计是后台太老的缘故. 有没有高手分析一下.
我的xp sp3
一不小心装了两个JRE,一个是用Oracle自带的oaj2se.exe装的,一个是用Oracle官网的 JavaSetup6u23.exe,
FRM-92050: Failed to connect to Server: /forms/lservlet:-1
DBA 2009-09-14 09:19:40 阅 读357 评论0 字 号:大中小 订阅
FRM-92050: Failed to connect to Server: /forms/lservlet:-1
thank you
FRM-92050 Failed to connect to the server
今天环境设置完毕,有个DNS叫运 营部门做了个解析,做完结果会抛出如下的error。 最后解决方法是重启AP,不过如下信息还是要引起注意。 FRM-92050 Errors on Linux Oracle Applications 11i installs 文档 ID: 注释:299187.1 类型: PROBLEM 上次修订日期: 21-AUG-2006 状态: PUBLISHED The information in this document applies to: Oracle Applications One Hour Install - Version: 11.5.2 to 11.5.10 Oracle Application Object Library - Version: 11.5.2 to 11.5.11 Red Hat Advanced Server UnitedLinux (32-bit) SUSE \ UnitedLinux x86-64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server x86-64 (AMD Opteron Architecture) Errors 92050 FRM-92050 FRM Symptoms Users cannot login to forms based responsibilities either from the Self-Service Menu or my using the direct forms login (.: /dev60cgi/f60cgi">http://<host>.<domain>:<port>/dev60cgi/f60cgi) Errors include: FRM-92050 Failed to connect to the server: <host>.<domain>:<port> Details.... Java Exception Connection reset by peer: JVM_recv in socket input stream read at Method) .... OR FRM-92050: Failed to connect to the Server: <server_name>:<forms_port> Details... Java Exception: oracle.forms.engine.RunformException: FRM-92050: Failed to connect to the Server: <server_name>:<forms_port> at oracle.forms.engine.Runform.initConnection(Unknown Source) at oracle.forms.engine.Runform.startRunform(Unknown Source) at oracle.forms.engine.Main.createRunform(Unknown Source) at oracle.forms.engine.Main.start(Unknown Source) at at OR FRM-92050: Error connecting at server: Host.Domain Details... Java Exception: Socket read failed Changes After a fresh install, clone , migration to Oracle Applications 11i (11.5.x) on Linux Or after applying a forms patchset to an existing install of Oracle Applications 11i (11.5.x) on Linux Or after upgrading the OS on an existing install of Oracle Applications 11i (11.5.x) on Linux Where Linux includes RedHat, Suse or UnitedLinux Fix Validate the Linux Environment: ------------------------------- If ANY of the following items gives unexpected results, please review the 11i Release Notes for Linux for you 11i version. (i.e. Oracle? Applications Installation Update Notes Release 11i for Linux x86 ) Note: If you make a change to your environment, you must relink the forms executables BEFORE testing the login. (See step #1 & 2 in the Troubleshooting section below) 1) Check the gcc and g++ compilers Do: ls -al /usr/bin/gcc ls -al /usr/bin/g++ These should be symbolic links to: : /usr/bin/gcc296 & /usr/bin/g++296 respectively. 2) Check to see if patch 3830807 ( PATCH 3293983 NEEDS TO INCLUDE ALL THE MAKEFILES UNDER THE 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME) was applied. If it is not applied, please apply patch 3830807. Do: grep LDFLAGS.*stubs $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/lib/ This should return: LDFLAGS= -L$(ORACLE_HOME)/lib/stubs -o $@ -L$(PRODLIBHOME) -L$(LIBHOME) 3) Check to see if the required RPM 's are installed. Do: rpm -qa | grep compat rpm -qa | grep open rpm -qa setarch This should return (not all RPMs are applicable to all Linux versions...However Open Motif is critical for all versions) compat-db- compat-gcc-7.3-2.96.122 compat-gcc-c++- compat-libstdc++-devel-7.3-2.96.122 openmotif21-2.1.30-8.i386.rpm setarch-1.3-1 4) Check that the required libraries are available: Do: rpm -qf /usr/X11R6/lib/ rpm -q glibc This should return openmotif-devel-2.2.2-16 glibc-2.3.2-95.3 5) Check that the required environment variables are set: Do: echo $LD_ASSUME_KERNEL This should return: 2.4.19 echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH This should include: /usr/X11R6/lib echo $LANG This should not return anything. If you make a change to your environment, you must relink the forms executables BEFORE testing the login. (See step #1 & 2 in the Troubleshooting section below) Additional Troubleshooting steps: --------------------------------- 1. Relink the Forms executables with the command: cd $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/lib; make -f install > $HOME/relink.log Errors will be reported on std. out, check the relink.log as well Check Metalink for known issues based on the errors reported. If this completes without error: Then do: 2. Relink the Apps forms executables: run adadmin to regenerate the fnd executables. -- Check the adadmin.log for errors. Check Metalink for known issues based on the errors reported. If no errors are recorded: 3. Regenerate jar files for forms use (this can take up to 30 minutes or more) run adadmin select, generate jar files option: select YES when prompted to force generation of the jar files. -- Again, check the log for errors. Check Metalink for known issues based on the errors reported. If no errors are recorded: 4. Repackage the JInitiator by doing: cd $COMMON_TOP/util/jinitiator Then run: . ./jinit13118.exe On the PC, uninstall JInitiator& manually delete any remaining directories/files (under c:\program files\oracle) 5. Then start apps & retest 6. Do ldd f60webmx | grep 'not found' 7. If this Still fails. Please do a truss (or strace) of the forms process Note 28588.1 7.a) Stop the form server 7.b) Start the form server, get the PID of the form server process: ps -ef | grep f60 This should should reveal 2 processes: f60srvm (the server) f60webmx (the client) Get the PID of f60srvm 7.c) do: strace -o /tmp/mytruss -fae -p <pid of process> 7.d) Try to connect to forms Once you get the error . Create a new SR and upload the /tmp/mytruss that will be created References - 11i: FRM-92050 Error While Logging onto Fresh Install of 11i Apps on Linux - FRM-92050 Failed to Connect to the Server on Linux After Relinking f60webmx - Login Issue Failed To Connect To The Server Frm-92050 After Specfic Number Of Connections - After Upgrading RedHat Linux from AS 2.1 to ES 3.0 Forms-Responsibilities are not working - Developer 6i Certification on Red Hat Linux (RHEL) 3.0: Installation Update Notes - TECH: Using Truss / Trace on Unix |
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